Veteran application Home Veterans Veteran application How it works Benefits Proof of service Pet criteria Program map Apply now Do not use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS since we must fix this manually, delaying your application and those of other veterans. Further, this application MUST be completed by the veteran - not by a spouse, partner, healthcare provider, or other person. About you First Name Last Name Personal email This must be your address or one accessible to you. Double check for typos or inaccuracies, otherwise you will not receive information about your application. .mil (military) email (ONLY if you are active duty; otherwise leave blank) Primary phone ###-###-#### Primary Phone TypePlease select... Mobile Household Work Other I would like to receive Pets for Patriots emailYes Your address: PO boxes not accepted! Home address City StatePlease select... Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District Of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Puerto Rico Virgin Island Northern Mariana Islands Guam American Samoa Palau Zip code Please read each question carefully before answering! Have you ever been convicted of a felony, or any type of sexual crime or offense against an animal?YesNo Have you served a minimum of 190 days military duty, excluding basic training and/or active duty training?YesNo What is the reason you are applying to adopt a pet?Companionship and/or emotional supportTo train as a service animal Are you committed to adopting a pet that meets ONE of the following criteria: dog/cat at least two years old; dog/cat with special needs; dog/cat homeless for 6 months+; or dog 40+ pounds at time of adoption?YesNo Your military service Branch of serviceArmyNavyMarinesAir ForceCoast Guard Current statusActiveReserveInactive ReserveNational GuardVeteran (separated)Retired Total years of service1-4 years5-9 years10-14 years15-19 years20+ years Your pet adoption plans Pet preferenceDogCatDog or cat When do you plan to adopt?Soon as I'm approvedWithin the monthWithin the next 3 monthsWithin the next 6 months6 months or later If approved, would you like us to provide your contact information and pet preferences to our local shelter partners for the sole purpose of helping you adopt a pet?Please select... Yes No What plans do you have in place if you are temporarily unable to care for your adopted pet due to deployment/training (if applies), or illness, injury, or any other personal crisis or hardship? If your application is approved and you adopt a program-eligible pet, please let us know your preferred gift card:ChewyPetcoPetsmart Do you share your email address with a spouse, partner, adult child, or other trusted individual?YesNo How did you hear about Pets for Patriots? Friend or coworkerHealth care professionalLocal shelter/rescue/animal controlMilitary, veteran organization or charitable organizationNews or articleOnline/internet searchOtherPets for Patriots adopterSocial media Anything else we should know about you? (optional) Almost done! By clicking the 'I AGREE' button below, I certify that all information provided by me is true and accurate, and that I have reviewed and accept Pets for Patriots' privacy policy and terms of use. I AGREE When you hit the button below we'll finish building your application. Please do not close your browser, refresh the page, or click the button more than once. Thank you! Contact Information