Pet criteria

What is an eligible pet adoption?

Our goal is to give the most overlooked, undervalued dogs and cats a second chance at life through adoption.

The hard truth is that a majority of these types of companion pets will be killed or, if in a “no kill” facility, can languish for months – or years – without a home or family to call their own.

Have questions? Check our FAQ for answers.

Eligible pets: which pets qualify for adoption and benefits of our program

A qualifying pet must be adopted from our shelter network and meet one of the following criteria…

Dog or cat, at least 2 years of age

Dog or cat with special needs*

Dog or cat homeless 6 months+

Dog 40+ pounds at adoption

*Birth defect, disability, or chronic medical condition, any of which must require lifelong care. Not sure if a pet qualifies? Ask us first!

Veterans must apply to and be approved by Pets for Patriots prior to pet adoption.

Exceptions on prior approval for weekend/federal holiday adoptions.

Have questions? Check our FAQ for answers.