This is a letter from the wife of a member patriot in reply to our first post-adoption follow up. Her husband, Charles, is an 80% disabled Army veteran. The letter is addressed to Ted, a Marine Corps veteran, Pets for Patriots adopter and our most excellent volunteer coordinator for veteran outreach.
Dear Ted:
Thank you for your email and checking up on my husband and Jimmies, who is now called Molly. She never answered to Jimmies, but we took a few days and tried alot of names with her, and her best response was to Molly.
I would like to thank your organization for the wonderful work you all are doing and I just wanted you to know that it was because of your organization that we finally felt we could stretch our extremely SHORT budget to accommodate Molly’s adoption. It helped us with the starting expenses that run so high, but was made much easier with your program. We received the gift cards in the mail last Saturday and again, thank you and your organization for everything that you do.

I want to be able to tell people about this awesome program and help other people adopt also.
As far as my husband and Molly go….. they have made a wonderful connection! He was alittle uptight about her age, but this is not the first older dog we have rescued over our 27 yrs together.
We picked Molly up one week ago last Saturday and all of us are so happy! It’s wonderful to see my husband smile again!!!!! He takes her for a walk in the morning, and today when they got back he said to me that she pooped him out and was willing to go further yet! We both take her for a walk around 4pm. She is a 10 year-old, but she is wonderful, obedient and has fit into our family like she has always been with us.
My husband has some major heart issues and was just awarded Social Security disability in Aug 2012, and has really been having trouble with this concept because he has always worked. My husband is 58 years old. He had fallen into a deep depression and thanks to your organization and Molly, he is his old self again, smiling, laughing and feeling good about himself again. AND it only took one week with our girl.
Thank you so very much again, again………………
Thank you for helping me get my husband back!
Yours truly,
Everytime we get a Senior dog in, I pray for a couple such as yourselves to give them their forever home. Your story is such a testament to what the right connection can bring to both the dog and the family. I’m so VERY happy to read this and to welcome you Sam to our volunteer staff!