Senior Pittie saved by Navy veteran with a heart for Boxers and Bullies

Senior Pittie saved by Navy veteran with a heart for Boxers and Bullies

Jessica is a woman of many passions. But among the most enduring is her love of Boxers and Bullies – the latter often among the most overlooked dogs in shelters.

Escape from Minnesota

In 1991 at age 19 Jessica enlisted in the Navy. The teen recruit believed the military could help her mature. She would serve one tour of duty before starting life as a civilian.

“Short career,” she says, “but it got me out of frigid Minnesota and I did get the structure and discipline I really needed to get a decent start in life.”Senior Pittie saved by Navy veteran with a heart for Boxers and Bullies

During her tour Jessica served as a damage controlman.

These professionals are first responders who work aboard all manner of Navy craft. They train to both prevent and mitigate fire, chemical, radiological, and biological incidents.

After completing basic training in Orlando Jessica went to California for advanced training in her craft. She recalls a memorable encounter with a fellow service member who was there as well.

“I was in A school on Treasure Island and met a Navy SEAL who told me he was there for medical because had broken his ankle,” she shares. “But he decided to just lace his boot up really tight so they would not take him out of active duty. I remember thinking that it was very true that it ‘takes a special breed to be a Navy SEAL.'”

Jessica was next dispatched to San Diego for shore duty. It was there that she completed her military obligation. At a mere 23 years old the young Navy veteran started her civilian life anew.

Ride on

Within a few years of her military separation Jessica was refining a different kind of skill.

“I was a world ranked professional boxer with 34 pro fights through the early 2000’s,” she shares. “Fought all over the United States, Canada, and even Denmark.”

In time the Navy veteran would pivot once again. She moved to Arizona, and now works for a renowned heavy equipment manufacturer.

“Basically [I] schedule the repairs and maintenance on those big generators that ensure power is never interrupted at hospitals, data centers, etc.,” she says. “I ride a Harley Fatboy and am a leader in the huge women’s motorcycle community here in Arizona.”

Fostering to save lives

Jessica gives her all to everything she does, in both her professional and personal lives. This ability to focus her passions – no less in so many different dimensions of life – led her to fostering dogs.Senior Pittie saved by Navy veteran with a heart for Boxers and Bullies

But not just any kind of dogs.

“I have fostered over 30 Boxers and Bully breeds,” she says. “[A] boxer rescuing Boxers.”

Through her years of fostering, the Navy veteran learned a lot about Boxers and Bullies. They are often very different than perceptions many people have about them.

“Bennie who was a senior Pittie who was in our Boxer rescue for three years, deemed as having to be an only pup,” she says. “But [he] ended up being the best foster brother and helper ever.”

A blind Boxer boy named Willey soon followed and lived til he was 12 years old. Nikki Jay was next, and died at 14 from cancer. And yet another Pittie would grace Jessica’s home as a foster before an active family adopted him.

“…that hole in my life”

Jessica and her wife had plans to sell their home and downsize. So the Navy veteran – despite her love of Boxers and Bullies – put fostering on hold for a while.

But in time the lure of another rescue dog became to great for Jessica to bear. Her wife’s Lab missed having canine companionship as well.Senior Pittie saved by Navy veteran with a heart for Boxers and Bullies

So the Navy veteran browsed online at Underdog Rescue of Arizona. She was familiar with the organization since she had adopted Nikki from them. And it is how she learned about our companion pet adoption program for veterans.

Yet Jessica admits that she was still in mourning. At the same time she knew that Willey and Nikki would want her to save another four-legged soul.

“I would rescue them all if I could,” she says.

“After a while, especially with the rescues and shelters being at or over capacity, I felt I could help by adopting – and I was ready to have that hole in my life filled again.”

Don’t be blue

It was late winter of 2024 when Indigo entered Underdog Rescue of Arizona. At the time the Bully mix was eight years old. Like most rescue dogs, little is known about the life she led before entering the shelter.

Jessica took notice of Indigo while browsing dogs on Underdog’s website. The Navy veteran fangirl of Boxers and Bullies felt that all too familiar tug in her heart.

“[I] just had a feeling,” she says.

The rescue allowed Jessica to foster Indigo to ensure a good fit with her wife’s Lab. Soon after she made it official – including a name change to Freyja – and the senior Bully finally had a home.

Jessica may have adopted without our support. But she appreciates the benefits we offer to make lifetime pet guardianship affordable.

“I would absolutely recommend. It was so seamless and easy. The perks are amazing,” she says. “The gift card and discounts helped me get her the things needed to ensure she is happy and healthy. It is an amazing program.”

“I love how she looks at me…”

Anyone who has lost a beloved pet will tell you that the ache never goes away entirely. Jessica concedes to feeling low in the months following the passings of Willey and Nikki.Senior Pittie saved by Navy veteran with a heart for Boxers and Bullies

Freyja had work to do. But as a Bully dog named after the Norse goddess of love she was up to the task.

Like most companion pets, Freyja worked her magic by establishing new daily routines.

The structure and responsibility of caring for Freyja gave Jessica renewed purpose. And it helped Freyja overcome whatever trauma she experienced in her past.

“It has been good to have a new walking buddy, and she loves our almost daily walks,” Jessica shares.

“She has some anxiety issues, but we are working through those with positive results. She keeps me active, happy, and on my toes.”

The Navy veteran with a passion for Boxers and Bullies has saved many a four-legged soul. And in turn each finds a way to bring something new – and special – to Jessica’s life. For her part, Freyja enjoys cuddling in bed with Jessica to binge watch TV. And both look forward to their long walks together.

But as the saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul. Even if those eyes are trained on a morsel of food.

“I love how she looks at me when I talk to her,” Jessica says. “Well, not always, but if it is dinner time or I have a treat, she looks me right in the eyes.”


  1. Alyson A.

    Thank you for your service – and for the love you have given to foster dogs. What an inspiration you are. You and Freyja were meant to be!

  2. Stella

    This is so beautiful! I love your passion and gifts of consistently giving. You are a kind soul, and your compassion for animals and their welfare always comes out in the animals you rescue, train, spend time with, and love as they heal from trauma and learn to love their new lives and the people and pets around them. Every dog you’ve ever brought home knows how lucky they are to cross your path, and if they stay or move on to their forever family, they take the love you’ve given them, carrying it and giving it back in ways they may not even understand.

  3. MJ

    From another female Navy vet, I thank you for your service, and especially for rescuing dogs! There are so many to be saved, and we can only do so much, but you are to be commended. I hope you and Freyja have many more years of long walks and cuddles together.

    • Jessica Batley

      Thank you shipmate and thank you for your service and love for the pups.

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