Making an Impact.
Our work is committed to unleashing hope™ for veterans, military families, and the most overlooked shelter animals

1.5 million
animals each year will not make it out of shelters alive due to lack of adopters, enough to fill all Major League Baseball stadiums combined.

1 in 5
Iraq/Afghanistan veterans suffer from major depression, increasing their suicide risk. Pets give them a renewed sense of optimism and purpose.
Konner + Hammer
Konner served in the Air Force as an aerospace medical technician. But his passion for healing others did not end when he left the military. He and his wife – a veteran as well – adopted a dog they would learn had chronic knee issues. Our hero fund is helping Hammer receive prescription supplements that are giving her “a new lease on life.”
Melinda + T'Challa
T’Challa was 10 years old when he was adopted in 2020 to Melinda, a Marine Corps veteran. Now 11, he developed pain in his joints that compromised his quality of life. Thanks to our hero fund donors, we paid for T’Challa’s diagnostics and injections. Now he’s as spry as the day he was adopted!
Chris + Franky
Franky lost his ear flaps when he was used as a bait dog and left for dead. In 2019 Chris, a highly decorated combat veteran, was inspired to save him. He was in Afghanistan when he learned about the dog’s plight through social media. For the rest of his life, Franky will require ongoing ear care, which he receives thanks to our supporters’ compassion and generosity.