Red is one of our first Pets for Patriots honorable adoptions. Recently he received his adoption anniversary gift cards, and his adopted mom – a disabled Army veteran – put the cards to good use after a harrowing experience on the road. We’re sharing their cautionary tale.
Hi Pets for Patriots,
Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday gift for Red.
Red and I had an experience not long ago that gave use real reason to think. We were in my pick-up truck coming back from the veterinarian. Part of the trip comes over an overpass that has a stop light at the bottom. You guessed it: I was going about 45 miles per hour, the light turned red about half way down. I had to slam on the brakes, I held up my arm, but Red weighs 82 pounds – bam! – into the dash. He was not hurt but it really scared me and made me think. 

Red needed a seatbelt, so off to Petsmart. They have a nice assortment of different sizes of seatbelts, very nice quality and a reasonable price. It takes a little longer to get ready for a trip, but Red is now used to his seat belt. He can still see out the windows, and I can even open the window safely knowing that Red can not fall out by accident. Also in the event of an accident, Red is protected, and the police or medics can get to you with out fear of a big dog.
As a disabled veteran I don’t have a lot of money, so having the gift cards for Red perhaps in the future will save his life. I feel so much better that he is safe. He is now four and is my best friend, one that I hope to spend years with. By the way, after my military service I drove a tractor trailer for years as an owner operator. Most of the years I was on the road I had my dog with me.
After all the miles I have driven, it took one overpass to wake me up. We all buckle up; our pets deserve the same security.
Pets for Patriots has done so much for so many. I know that Beth Zimmerman has a real love and respect for veterans and pets. The least we can do is protect the pets that we so dearly love. 

Thank you so much and please be safe,
Ms. Bobby and Red
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Hi P4P and Ms. Bobby,
Good topic that you’ve brought up here – seat belts for cats and dogs. It worries me every time I see a pet riding in a car without a seat belt. It worries me even more when I see a dog in the back of a pickup truck traveling down the highway.
All it takes is a single car accident and a passenger cat or dog could end up in bad shape or die.
Glad Red is safer now with his seat belt and it was very kind of P4P to provide the gift cards.
Safe travel,
=^-^= Hairless Cat Girl =^-^=
Thank you for this. I use a harness for my furgirls when we travel out of town, but not in town. Don’t they say most accidents happen within 2 miles of your house? I will start using it in town now. Thank you Ms. Bobby for your service and for loving Red enough to give him a safe way to travel.
please don’t forget to disable your air bags when your dog is sitting in front of one(or beside one in the back seats) thye have been known to kill dogs in the past