Animal cruelty is not only abhorrent in its own right, but it is often a gateway crime to violence against adults and children.
If you witness any act of abuse, neglect or cruelty against an animal it is your moral responsibility to report it to local law enforcement, or to whomever is responsible for cruelty investigations in your community.
In most cases you may do so anonymously if you fear reprisal. Doing nothing does nothing to help animals in need.
DO NOT ask us in the comments section what to do if you suspect cruelty or abuse. Contact your local police department and/or humane society even if you are unsure if what you observe qualifies as animal cruelty since laws vary by state and municipality. PLEASE STOP ASKING US WHAT TO DO; TAKE LEGAL ACTION!
The 11 signs of animal abuse, neglect or cruelty

1 – Poor body condition and noticeable trauma
The animal has severe matting and a filthy coat, open sores or obvious wounds. He appears to be flea or tick infested. He is underweight with bones visible clearly. He might be limping or unable to walk at all, or have congested eyes or ears. He is in obvious physical distress and in need of veterinary care.
2 – Lack of food or water
Every time you see this animal you notice that she has no obvious sources of food and/or water. She may be aggressive due to starvation and thirst, and perhaps very lethargic.
3 – Lack of shelter
The animal is contained in an area that is largely or fully exposed to inclement weather or constant sun. In many states, if an animal dies as a result of being left alone in a hot car the owner can be charged. See the laws in your state.
4 – Lack of sanitation
Feces and/or debris cover the animal’s living area.
5 – Abandoned
The animal is left in a house, yard, or other area that appears empty or devoid of normal human activity. Reports of companion animals abandoned and left to die inside vacant buildings are alarmingly common.
It is a crime in all 50 states to abandon an animal.

If you notice a neighbor has moved or has stopped visiting a residence where you know animal live, be extra vigilant. Some dogs bark and whine to express anxiety at being left alone. But a dog who is howling or barking for several hours is sending a signal that it is in need of immediate, life-saving care.
6 – The animal is tied or caged
She has little or no room to move, and/or is unable to stand or turn.
7 – Chains or padlocks around the animal’s neck
Be on the lookout for anything around an animal’s neck that may have become embedded and/or infected, including regular collars. A chained animal is an abused animal.
Chaining or tethering is illegal in many states.
8 – Signs of an animal being trained to or having been used to fight
This is especially common with bully breed dogs, and even roosters. You may see training implements, treadmills, spring poles, etc. More likely you will notice obvious signs of trauma, including scars, open wounds, infections, and even missing body parts, such as ears or tails.
9 – The animal’s behavior is abnormal
She may be very aggressive or severely shy, e.g., cowering, hiding, fear-biting, even with or especially with her owner.
10 – Too many animals living on one property
This can be a sign of animal hoarding, which makes the conditions no less cruel. An estimated 250,000 animals are hoarding victims each year.
11 – Overt acts of violence
An owner or any person who is being overtly violent against the animal, striking or throwing objects at him, or otherwise physically abusing him.
There is no violence against an animal that is justified. And a person who would abuse an animal in public or plain sight is likely doing far worse outside of view.
Download our flyer: 11 signs of animal cruelty and how you can help

The worst thing you can do if you witness or suspect animal cruelty or neglect is nothing. Be that animal’s voice and get him out of his abusive situation immediately. If you have to make multiple reports, do it.
Four steps to help an animal who is a cruelty victim
Animal cruelty is illegal in every state and a felony most. If you make a report of alleged animal cruelty the responding agency is required to investigate.
If you see an animal in distress, do not assume that someone else will take care of the situation. Animals cannot speak for themselves; it is up to you to speak for them.
1 – Be prepared
Most municipalities have a local animal control department, or animal shelter or humane society that is responsible for cruelty investigations.
Do an online search to identify the agency in your area and program the number into your mobile phone. This way you are always prepared to report abuse.
2 – Speak up or call 911
If you witness overt violence against an animal or suspect it, speak up! If you do not feel safe intervening in a situation directly, call 911.
It is essential to contact law enforcement when violence is involved since it is likely part of an ongoing pattern that may include violence against people as well. If you are traveling or in a community that is not familiar to you, you can look up the local police department.
3 – Document the details
Tell the officer as many details of the situation as you can: location, date, time, description of the people and animals involved.
Video and photographic documentation, even on a mobile phone, can bolster a legal case. Provide names of others who may have witnessed the incident. Remain on the scene until authorities arrive if you can do so safely.
4 – Prepare to testify
While you may remain anonymous, the legal case will be much stronger if you are willing to identify yourself and testify to what you witnessed. A human witness is crucial for building a strong, prosecutable case.
Additional resources
- Perspectives on animal cruelty from a former humane law enforcement officer
- How to stop animal cruelty
- State-by-state animal protection laws and rankings
- Table of state laws that protect animals left in parked vehicles
DO NOT ask in the comments section what to do if you suspect cruelty or abuse. Contact your local police department and/or humane society even if you are unsure if what you observe qualifies as animal cruelty since laws vary by state and municipality.
We purchased a house a block away from my parents. It needs major work that we are doing before we can move in, we sold our other property and are staying w my parents for a couple more months while our new house is completed. In the mean time we had to move ours dogs, there are 8, our dog got pregnant in 2016 by a neighbor dog who ate through our fence. We didn’t feel it was right to take them to a shelter so we have kept them and feed them all a 5 gal bucket of food each morning or night depending on when my husband is able to go over there. They have been there for about 1.5 months now and the police showed up bc someone reported that we haven’t been to feed or water them I’m a week! I am still livid! The police said they are very malnurished and we have to take all of them to a vet by or on Monday (2 days notice) or we are getting a ticket and aspca is coming to pick them up! While we didn’t want the puppies they are a part of of family as well as our 8 and 9 yr old dogs. They always have water and lots of hay inside a barn that we converted just for them with a pen for going outside when they want. Do the coos really have a legal basis on this? We are going to talk to their cheif tomorrow to see if we can get an extension on the vet issue bc they just went almost a year ago for their vacancies. We take them when we get our income tax back. I’m heartbroken some would say that about our doggies! Heart broken in Texas!
Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state. We do not know if your behavior constitutes any of the above. However, animals need more than food, water, and a place to eliminate. They need human interaction, exercise, love.
We hope the situation resolves in the best interests of the dogs, who deserve a loving home.
Pets for Patriots
Hi –
Hoping to receive some advice. A new resident in my apartment complex recently adopted what looks to be a pit mix. I have not had much contact with said resident, other than “hello”. Long story short: I have two small, elderly Chihuahua mixes, that her dog seems overly/aggressively interested in. I asked her outright if I should be afraid of her dog and she told me that he is indeed aggressive, but that she did not know this when she adopted him – so, of course I am now afraid of him…but I also feel terrible for him. He is a large, young and energetic dog that she seems unable to handle. Today, when I saw a neighbor walking him, I went over and noticed that he had a large wound on his nose. I asked and was told that he is in a cage all day, rubbing and biting at the bars, while she is at work. I also noticed that his paws were pink and infected (probably from licking due to boredom/stress?) I really want to approach the owner and implore her to rehome him to a person/family who has more time/energy/dog training skills, but I don’t imagine that that would be appropriate. Any suggestions for how I can help this dog? Thanks!!
Hi Olive,
It is appropriate if you approach the conversation as casually observing that the dog appears unwell. You might want to first suggest a dog sitter/walker to help while the woman is at work. If she rebuffs that (due to cost or other reasons), then have a conversation that you can’t help but notice that such a young and energetic dog is home alone all day without an outlet for his energy and that perhaps another home would be more suitable.
If she again rebuffs you, please contact your local animal control/humane society for guidance. Laws vary by state and municipality, but you may be able to compel a wellness check on the dog that can lead to a positive change in its welfare. Be persistent, and thank you for caring for this pup.
Hi i found a cat in my back yard gave it ham and it walked in it does that everyday, it has blood on its back and is overweight and no one seems to look for it either. it doesn’t want to leave so what should I do?
Hi, I am wondering if it is animal abuse in the laws eyes if a horse’s house is full of feces and the owner does not clean it up? It has been very cold where I am from and I do think it is but I wanted others opinions
so I know someone who has a dog and when it pees it smells horribly bad also the dog has many lumps on it belly and it continuously rubbing its but across the floor when anyone says anything they say they don’t have money to put the dog down or let alone see a vet for a check up is this abuse ? they also only groom the dog once every 6 months and do not bathe it in the mean time
My neighbors are basically jobless teens, there’s a mother but she lets them do whatever they want. Inside they have 2 dogs and cats. They recently got another and it’s been in their backyard for 3 days. I contacted the animal shelter, it was freezing and the dog hadn’t had water (it’s obviously frozen) it’s feels like 5degrees from the wind chill. He has a cage too small for him, with a thin tarp right in the wind. Animal control never came so I contacted the PD the animal control called and said the dog had more shelter then most. I’ve watched him beg for attention and cry every time the other dogs came out of the house. So animal control did nothing. Is there another step I can take? That baby has shivered all day and I’m afraid he will freeze to death. I should have told animal control to go sit there for an hour and see how cold it is. Distraught and in need of any advice.
A neighbor behind me has two aggressive cane corsos. Our yards are separated by a wooden fence. I have one small dog and one big dog. My dogs and the neighbors dogs constantly bark at each other and run back and forth along the fence. The neighbors dogs have chewed up several planks on the fence and the dogs have gotten into my yard many times. The neighbor repairs the fence but don’t check it regularly for areas where the dogs may get through. Other than being fed or watered or yelled at when they bark at my dogs, the dogs are ignored. The neighbors are never aware of them getting into my yard. I always have to go over and tell them. I am really tired of it because they could kill my little dog. They are kept outside 24/7 through rain, sleet, snow, or 100 degree temperatures. I know I gave more information than necessary but is it neglect that the dogs are always kept outside in snow storms and very hot conditions and that they are ignored by their owner.
What should I do if my dad is hitting the dog for not doing simple task like laying down or whining to much or even once got a shoe thrown at his head for itching but this dog is still young he got into the trash while I was doing dishes and dad caught him and repeatedly banged him into the garbage Can I was crying it hurts to see him getting hit for simple things when he whispers I start to cry and shake I end up getting upset and wanting to leave the house with the dog and get him a better home but I’m scared of what my dad will do if he finds out I report him
My bfs son keeps his dogs outside. They are inside if they are at home, but if they aren’t those dogs are outside without food, water, or shelter. Everyone is scared to feed them because one dog is viscous.
My parents were abusive to the animals that lived with us and to the children when we were growing up in their house. One day a beloved cat inexplicably had a broken tail. I thought she fell off the trellis that I had seen her climb once, but I feel now that my dad kicked her. A wonderful dog we adopted from a previously abusive home, who had been severely neglected but who we had ‘rescued’, died from internal bleeding. This was after I had moved out. No one had an explanation for me as to how this could have happened. While it is painful for me to remember how I was kept from receiving medical care in my childhood simply because I wasn’t a human being to them but a burden, what happened to the animals breaks my heart. That cruel people such as my parents are permitted to have children, and to abuse animals that regard them as masters, has caused me deep agony, and to question whether God is evil, impotent, or just does not exist.
My next door neighbour leaves their dog out for hours on end the door is only small and when she runs her back legs go up suggesting that her leg might be out of place or has been previously broken, my parents or other neighbours won’t report it even though I’ve tried telling them it can be anonymous, the dog is left out from the morning to night in whatever condition it’s getting bad now it’s winter, sometimes the dogs leashed up so she can’t go the back of the fence where I sometimes go and stroke her. When she’s not outside she’s either locked in the parents bedroom or the bathroom because the have recently got a new kitten (because their old one got run over by motorbikes, the cat wasn’t cared for either)
I live near a vet and walking by his office one night, heard a bunch of dogs barking like crazy in the basement. I am assuming they are being held there overnight. Not sure what conditions are, but is this legal??
Hi I am a Senior in High School, I am friends with a female named F.M. She has two pure bred Huskies on her property, she is constantly ABUSING them and overfeeding them. She does not let her dogs out and makes them stay in the house, they need to be running around in fresh air, I have personally seen a video of the dog being hit. I need help I have no idea what to do, Should i call the cops? Recently she has been throwing the dog into an empty canal, Should i do something even though it is not my business. Please Help
We have a neighbor who has a female white husky. It is less than a year old and the guy works night shift. It is his dog. She does care for the dog inside but has lied to us saying it comes inside at night sleeping with the 6 yrs girls. The girls tell me that she has to sleep in the garage in a cage in the dark. The dog is in the cage in the the garage when she goes to work. In the dark with a small window. When he gets home he is tired but let’s the dog run around in the back yard. Then he showers and goes to bed. The dog does not get any training or attention/ love. This cute dog is not getting trained, interaction with people or getting Love time. I know it is none of my business but I am a true animal lover and am totally connected to cats and dogs with their feelings and behavior. I can’t sit back and let this dog get neglected with the emotional issues. I talked to him casually about behavior and in the cage in the garage day and night and he says he spends time with the dog. But I do know it isn’t devoted time. I really don’t think he realizes the damage he is done no to his dog. She really doesn’t care since it is his dog. I carefully shared my concern but I think he just missed the point. I cannot talk to her because she is standoffish. Do you have any suggestions?
I can’t stand to see this young dog being neglected as part of the family!
Not sure what to do our neighbors had gotten a new puppy we live in connected condos and they have a balcony that is on the second floor the puppy has been outside all day chained to the balcony no signs of water or food and we have had severe cold and rain all day there is no shelter or dog house for the puppy it has been whining all day it’s the first time seeing this dog and as a dog owner it don’t seem right if there is anything I can do I would do it immediately…..
What does one do when the local police department and animal control don’t do anything after neglect cases are reported? We don’t have a Humane Society here
I just moved to Kern County in California and there are so many animals running the streets in my neighborhood. Most of them are from neighbors but idk who goes to whom and I feel so bad for these dogs. I have a neighbor who has 2 puppies, one of which is very tiny, and they don’t keep an eye on the puppies. My son cries because he’s afraid as am I that these poor babies will be killed by a vehicle. My roommate says that this part of town is not cared for by the shelters. Idk know what to do to protect the dogs all around here that are not cared for by their owners. If I could I would take them in myself but we r unable to have pets here. So since it seems that the local law inforcement and shelters obviously don’t care about fixing the issue what can I do to get these poor animals safe?
My neighbors recently got a dog it has shelter from the sun most of the day but no shelter from wind rain or cold and she is outside at all times the next couple of nights its going to be around freezing. what do you think I should do? I would take her in a heartbeat if I could.
My grandma has neighbors who have their dog living outside. I went over there today and played with the dog and loved on it. I feel like that’s the most love she’s gotten in a long time. I saw that she does have a doghouse, but the water didn’t look fresh and neither did the food. I brought over some fresh water. The lady’s son came home and I was just talking to him about the dog and asking questions. He mentioned that she walks with a limp sometime and they thought she might have something in her leg, but they couldn’t find anything. I suggest cooling her off a bit with the her water hose. There was a chain near the wall and when he tried to get the dog by her collar to put the chain on it, she started crying and cowering to floor. It broke my heart and I wanted to cry. He said she doesn’t like water. But I have a feeling that she’s been abused before, or he’s abusing her now. I don’t know what to do and I can’t stop thinking about her. I’ve already talked to animal control and left a voicemail, but this was before I suspected abuse taking place. I plan to go over there and visit the dog, but I feel so powerless over this situation. She was the most loving and sweet dog. I don’t feel like they pay much attention to this sweet dog, but I hope I’m wrong. I’m also hoping I’m wrong about her being abused. It just hurts my heart. The guy from the animal control office won’t be back til Friday. All I keep thinking about is this dog and having mental images of it being abused.
I have a neghibor who keeps pulling there dog by the neck from the leash.What should Ido about it
Hello, I live in Las Vegas, NV. I am concerned because on of my neighbors has 2 pitbulls, and one that was said to be more mean than the other. They practically leave their dogs in the balcony for almost the entire day, and sometimes throughout the night. I live in an apartment complex where the balcony is no more than 6×6 ft. I always sees lots of feces and urine coming from the bottom of their balcony onto the rocks that surround the balcony. The dog literally barks all day and sometimes at night if it’s left out. Is this considered neglect? I also have another neighbor who is on an upstairs floor who had his dog off the leash, and when he couldn’t get it to come to him he was hitting the floor with the leash to scare the dog. This morning I walked my dog around 8am and saw the dog laying down in the corner of the balcony. Lately i’ve been hearing the dog crying outside (assuming they left it outside). I’m concerned, but should I call?
Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
If you even suspect animal cruelty, neglect or abuse, contact your local humane law enforcement, which may be your local police department, animal control or humane society.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who may be suffering.
I have new neighbors that have 2 cages outside that they keep dogs in, they do come like every other day and give them water and food and spray out their cages where they piss and poop, but my issue is they are never let out of there cages, the people must have rented the house just to keep the dogs because they don’t live there, my main question is is this cruel to never ever allow them out of their cage
Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
If you even suspect animal cruelty, neglect or abuse, contact your local humane law enforcement, which may be your local police department, animal control or humane society.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who may be suffering.
It’s a shame God will take care of tones sweet Animals. He will destroy all those bad People my cutting them off from this earth save the People who don’t do bad things any more. It’s God JW.organization
My neighbors have a pig that is caged in too small of an area, if not for me that pig would have died months ago. These a-holes gave it no shelter in 100 degree Texas summer, it had 3rd degree sunburn on her ears, many times I saw she had no water, they do not buy her feed. They had a 7 month old dog that they would leave tied to a mesquite bush for 12 hours at a time with no food or water, July 4th 2016 they were shooting roman candles and their dogs ran and hid for 5 days, the 7 month old died. I want to beat the life out of these morons! They should have their kids taken away from them and never be allowed to own an animal.
Hi Jack,
We understand how you feel, but never condone violence against others. If you haven’t already done so please report your neighbors to your local humane animal control, which may be your local police or humane society.
I get woken up to my neighbors dog around 8am almost everyday but today it was at 5:30am absolutely ridiculous ,, he is currently howling right now. I have my fan on high & it doesn’t matter. The howls for 6 hours or until the owner gets back home. Is this considered neglect? I think it is, how can a person leave the pet for the long knowing it has so much anxiety for hours & be ok with that?! This person shouldn’t have pets. That poor thing. Also poor me because I keep getting woken up. & I already have sleeping issues. & I already told the landlord. So now what?
Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
If you even suspect animal cruelty, neglect or abuse, contact your local humane law enforcement, which may be your local police department, animal control or humane society.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who may be suffering.
Pets for Patriots
the 610 abbot ln shelter in colorado springs is trying to adopt our dog while its pending animal cruelty investogation, this is illegal. what can i do to stop this?
We don’t know the laws in your state, Kathryn.
So I have a neighbor who has a dog, they used to give a lot of their time to their dog but now, they barely play with him. The y leave him out all day and until like 1 in the morning. They let him bark so that you are awake. I never see anyone playing with him. I don’t know if I should be concerned about that. I need help
Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
If you even suspect animal cruelty, neglect or abuse, contact your local humane law enforcement, which may be your local police department, animal control or humane society.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who may be suffering.
Pets for Patriots
Is it animal abuse if my dad repeatedly drags my puppy across the floor by her collar
Hi Zoe,
Yes, that certainly sounds like abuse. As we say to everyone who comments here: Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
If you even suspect animal cruelty, neglect or abuse, contact your local humane law enforcement, which may be your local police department, animal control or humane society.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who may be suffering.
Pets for Patriots
Hi I’m from agartala. In the month of October we have festive season such as goddess lakshmi puja and Diwali on this day people love to bursting crackers for thier amusement but some of the people they misuse the crackers such as tying the crackers on stray dogs. Though thier animals cruelty has been recorded but it seems here police doesn’t take any action or they will ignore this kind of complaints.
I have a lady up stairs in my apartment. She has a chocolate Labrador and only takes her out 4 times a day. and back in to apartment no exercise she has a rod in her leg and the dog takes her for a walk she is so big she told us it is a service dog????
Hi there, I have a question. How long is to long for two dogs to be in a crate.
They are fed and have water. And let out maybe if that twice a day. They are happy dogs and always looking for attention. I haven’t seen any signs of abuse, but I have notice one dog always going to his cage when I let him out to play with them.
His back End low to the ground. As if he been beating before.
Or knows he will be.
However, I’ve notice that the dogs are in the crate all night and sometimes all day.
I understand people have to work. But I also, understand that dogs need to be walk.
These dogs haven’t been walk
Because they are in a government building which doesn’t allow dogs.
I’ve was told not to say anything by the owners because I’ve been crashing at the apartment
I’ve experienced walk throughs from the management team to check the rooms, to make sure everything is alright for some reason.
I have seen and even been asked to put their dogs in a car for more than 8 hours.
The building does a check up from 9-5.
But they always come by at 5. And they do a 5 second walk through. Just a hi and bye.
I’ve experienced 3 walk throughs now.
So I know there schedule by now.
while the dogs are in the car, I’ve notice, only two window crack every time with only 2inches of space.
I believe these dogs aren’t been taken care probably even if they are fed and water or let out on the apartment balcony to pee.
I personally believe, its a grey area of neglect.
And would like to report them. Even if I’m crashing hear but I would like to do it way were they are questioned up front.
I have confronted them about it and was even willing to train and spend time with them when I’m home.
But now, they are cage up all day.
It makes me feel some type of way. I honestly believe that if you can’t take of your dogs or even train them or walk them.
Regardless if they are fed and have water while there food is out of there cage.
even if the owners are home. They are caged up.
I personally believe its not right and I don’t think they dogs have had physically evaluated or had prior shots.
I would like to know if something could be done?
and if this is animal cruelty or neglect.
Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
If you even suspect animal cruelty, neglect or abuse, contact your local humane law enforcement, which may be your local police department, animal control or humane society.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who may be suffering.
Pets for Patriots
I know of a hoarder..and she is neglecting my previously owned dog..i can tell by picture..there wicked to abuse a helpless animal …i called animal control in that area. I made,a mistake by giving the dog to her. She is in denial and is offended at the truth of her neglect
Hi Vallerie,
Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
If you even suspect animal cruelty, neglect or abuse, contact your local humane law enforcement, which may be your local police department, animal control or humane society. Continue to call until they take action; it may involve multiple calls and/or visits to the home.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who may be suffering.
Pets for Patriots
hello, I need help as my neighbours dog has little food or water throughout the day. the dog gets left outside all day where it is prone to accidents as there are choking hazards and dangerous objects on the garden such as a rake! today the dog appears to have a blue ring around its neck for some unknown reason. the dog gets left in poor conditions when the owners are sat inside doing god knows what the dog is left outside in the pouring rain..i have documented some evidence. I feel for this puppy and I needs not really sure what to do please help.
Hi Paige,
Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
If you even suspect animal cruelty, neglect or abuse, contact your local humane law enforcement, which may be your local police department, animal control or humane society.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who may be suffering.
Pets for Patriots
Hi BethZ
I believe some of your wording may be confusing people. I suggest you use the term “Animal Control & its associated nonprofits” or something to that effect. Many of the Humane Societies and even SPCA branches are private shelters and truly don’t work with all animals or in abuse or crime situations. This can be very confusing for people who want to help- I’ve dealt with it all the time.
In Baltimore, as an example, the Maryland SPCA is a private shelter in Baltimore city, and the Baltimore Humane Society is a private shelter in Baltimore County. In our case, BARCS (Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter) is the open intake city shelter that works with the Baltimore City Animal Control. I volunteered there for many years.
When I talk to people about their concerns with calling authorities /animal control I always suggest a few things for first-time callers-
-You can be anonymous if you’re afraid of retribution. Less chance you will find out results though.
-AC/POLICE will NOT take the animal away on the first call unless the conditions are really awful so you don’t have to worry.
-The pet owners usually just get a warning or pay a fine, which gives them a chance to turn things around or prove they don’t deserve a pet.
Hope this is helpful!
Hi Ann,
Thank you for your insights; very helpful! Most of all, we want people to take action. As you can see by the many posts to this article, people continue to ask what to do. Our answer is almost universally the same: laws vary by state, but make the call to your local humane law enforcement and/or animal control. Stop watching an animal suffer. Pick up the phone.
Would it be cruelty if someone were to bring their sugar glider to a school in a small pouch and leave it in their bag for the whole day? (This person fed this animal fried and most likely seasoned chicken)
she has stated in videos she takes her sugar glider lots of places (school, store, etc) . She doesn’t live near me, I’ve only seen it online.
Hi Tea,
Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
If you even suspect animal cruelty, neglect or abuse, contact your local humane law enforcement, which may be your local police department, animal control or humane society.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who may be suffering.
There’s a female pit bull in my neighborhood that belongs to a family on my block. She roams the neighborhood. She is skinny and looks to be over bred. She’s had at least 3-4 litters that I can recall in the last 3 years I’ve lived here. She has severely sagging breasts and her vagina is very swollen. I’m assuming this is due to overbreeding. She is skinny but I’ve been feeding her. She is a very sweet dog. She has fleas and ticks. There are sores covering both of her ears and today when I was feeding her I saw that she has a swollen open sore on her head that is scabbing up. I asked the owners if I could have her and they said “no, that she is part of the family”. My heart hurts for this dog and I’m scared she could get run over and am just genuinely concerned for this sweet girl. The last time she had puppies I saw 2 of them dead in the road from being run over. I’m afraid to call animal control for fear she would be euthanized. And also do not want to cause drama with people that live so near to me.
This dog is suffering miserably. You must call animal control asap.
If you even suspect animal cruelty, neglect or abuse, contact your local humane law enforcement, which may be your local police department, animal control or humane society. Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
Posting on this page does nothing to help this dog.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who is clearly suffering.
Pets for Patriots
I live in an apartment. our bathrooms are pretty small maybe 3 ft by 5 ft.. around that …one of our neighbor.. not sure if it’s next door to us or below us.. keeps the dog locked in the bathroom all day long.. the dog cries all day long and you can tell it’s locked in the bathroom because of the echo.. never see them walking the dog outside until this morning first time since I’ve been here and I’ve been here for a month
Hi Tammy,
If you even suspect animal cruelty, neglect or abuse, contact your local humane law enforcement, which may be your local police department, animal control or humane society. Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who may be suffering.
Pets for Patriots
My neighbor is the dog owner of a 6 year old siberian husky dog that has cherry eyes (nictitans gland prolapse) in both of her eyes and the owner said he refuses to have surgery on them and he wants to leave it as it is. The dog has good vision and seems to have no problem at all navigating herself around. The owner said his dog has had cherry eyes (nictitans gland prolapse) since she was a puppy. The owner said surgery on his dog’s eyes are cruel and unnecessary. I offered him money for the dog’s eye to be surgically corrected but he politely refused. I also offered my services to drive him and his dog to a renowned ophthalmologist in our area and again he declined the offer i made. Apparently at one point the dog owner did give his dog steroid eye drops and massaged her eyes and her cherry eyes (nictitans gland prolapse) went back in, however not long after it popped back out again. The owner walks his dog every day and his dog is very healthy and well-fed and the nails are neat and trimmed the fur is shiny. The dogs eyes look beautiful and blue except for the cherry eye (nictitans gland prolapse) red mass that sticks out. The owners dog lives inside with him in his house and she lives with a rich family so she seems to have all her doggy needs met except for her eyes (in my opinion at least). Upon futher questioning, apparently the dog owner told me that he doesn’t take his dog to the veterinarian anymore because the veterinarian in the hospital “threatened” to report him to the police for refusing to allow surgery to treat his dog’s cherry eye (nictitans gland prolapse). His dog has all bodyparts intact and is very healthy and has no deformities whatsoever. However a lot of people have suggested to take his dog to the veterinarian for surgery and he continues to refuse. Our neighborhood is running out of options on what do do about this situation, how do we help this dog and her owner. The owner seems to be a nice man and he really loves his dog. I like my neighbor but. Is he neglecting his dog in this situation? My question is should i report the dog owner to the police or not?
Hi Charlotte,
Laws vary by state, but it’s unlikely that you can report a dog owner for failing to provide elective surgery for his dog, particularly if the animal is otherwise given excellent care. However, we always advise that you consult the animal welfare professionals in your jurisdiction.
I live with my in laws and they have two small dogs that they leave outside 24/7. The problem is that these two poor little dogs are now currently infested with what appears to be mange and they do nothing about it. I’ve talked to them to see what they plan on doing with them and they’ve told me that they plan on taking them to the vet but this was one or two weeks ago. I would take them myself but I’m in college and I have no job. I’m afraid that if I take them to the shelter they might get put down since one of the dogs is rather old. My friend also told me since they have mange they would most likely put them down to avoid spreading it to the other dogs. I would really appreciate your advice on what to do in this situation.
Hi Jessica,
What your in-laws are doing is neglectful and cruel, at best. Many shelters take in elderly pets, so do research on the ones in your area before you decide that they would be killed.
The alternative is grim. They are living a miserable existence with your in-laws. Perhaps you can offer to take them to the veterinarian for them. If they refuse, it’s time to call the authorities and ask for a wellness check on the dogs.
We don’t know the laws in your state and whether you can legally remove the dogs and take them to the shelter, but leaving them out 24/7 is a terrible existence, much less infested.
Please act quickly on their behalf, and thank you for caring for these defenseless creatures.
Pets for Patriots
A house owner leaves a dog inside the house next door to mine. The dog barks and wines during the day and night. Hes working on the house but he hasn’t been here since Friday and he sometimes leave the dog there and he doesn’t show up till days later. Im pretty sure it’s tied up because we only hear him bark from one side of the house. What can I do ?
Hi Ivonne,
If you even suspect animal cruelty, neglect or abuse, contact your local humane law enforcement, which may be your local police department, animal control or humane society. Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who may be suffering.
Pets for Patriots
I would like some advice if you can give it. A childhood friend of mine recently escaped her father, who is known for domestic violence, but she couldn’t save her horse. She suspects abuse and neglect and has called the local animal control twice but they say they can’t do anything because the animal “isn’t skinny enough”. After hearing this, I encouraged many of my friends to put in their own calls and emails to the animal control in that area, and I have also emailed them. Unfortunately, we can all only say we “suspect” abuse and are concerned, because we did not directly witness abuse. I fear animal control either cannot or will not do anything. I know the man who we suspect of abusing the horse – I’ve known him for years. I believe he could be abusing this animal. I’m fully prepared to continuously call animal control on a regular basis, until something is done and the animal is thoroughly checked out for any kind of abuse, but I don’t know if I am overstepping any legal boundaries. I’m also prepared to speak to other authorities in the area and even contact the media if it comes to that, but I’m not sure if what I’m doing is the right thing. I don’t to make things worse but I don’t want to let this go until someone has proven whether or not the horse has been abused.
Hi Lauren,
While laws on abuse and neglect vary by state, including how you may collect such evidence, it certainly sounds like this horse is at minimum being severely neglected. However, we are not attorneys and are unable to dispense legal advise.
We urge you and your friends to continue contacting your local humane society. Contact your local police department as well. If you are able to legally obtain photos and/or video, please do so. Contact the department of agriculture or any other agency in your state that regulates the care of equines or other farm animals. And as needed, bring the attention of local media to this animal’s plight.
Thank you for caring about this helpless creature and for being his voice.
Pets for Patriots
there is this horse behind my grandmas house that has horrible dead locks and is petrified of everyone but me. I have seen the owner with her once for the 3 months she has been here. She lives in a field and has no shelter, and eats Johnson’s grass witch everyone knows is like poison for horses. She is never given oats of water and my family wont help her. I am only 11 but am very smart, I have be riding horses for over 9 years and want to be a vet or be in a animal rescue program. they also have 2 dogs that I am aware of. I have been secretly feeding the horse oats and have been giving her water. I have groomed her and she is shedding, this is the wrong time of year to be shedding. my parents aren’t convinced she has been abused but they aren’t around enough and don’t pay attention to her. I have taken before and after pictures and have been documenting them. my mom wont let me call and I am in need of advice.
Hi Esther,
You are a very observant and caring young lady. Please reach out to an adult whom you trust – maybe someone at your school or house of worship – to help you contact your local humane society or law enforcement. This horse is suffering and needs immediate care.
Pets for Patriots
My name is Michelle and my husband gave his cousin one of our pups and the agreement was that they had to take care of him they asked us to babysit and we said sure we would do that he does not have tags he’s not had his shots and his ribs were showing he’s been mistreated do I have the right to take the animal back and get him tagged I live in the state of Ohio
Hi Michelle,
Your story is one of the reasons we urge people to spay/neuter their animals so that more puppies are not brought into the world.
At any rate, we do not know the laws in your state. Please contact your local animal shelter and/or humane law enforcement to understand your rights with respect to the dog, and to report your suspicions of animal neglect/cruelty.
Pets for Patriots
Hi everyone i need to ask a question My son had a TPO. Against Him and wasn’t allowed to get his dog . Well his ex-girlfriend wasn’t feeding or watering her. and the humain officer was going to press charges against my son and not his ex should this be allowed it would have been for neglect what do we do who should we talk too i’m lost..
Hi Ella,
If your son is the dog’s legal guardian, it is his responsibility to provide for the dog’s care – not the girlfriend.
Pets for Patriots
What’s the next step after u have call the humane society and law enforcement and they say they don’t have the funds or means to take the animals….but there is SEVERE ABUSE ?
Claire, great question. A few suggestions: move up the food chain. If you’ve been calling local city shelters/police, contact those who serve your county or township at large. Contact your local media about the prospect that serious abuse is being ignored due to lack of resources in your community. Be prepared with specific examples and any evidence (photos, etc.) that you can obtain legally. Contact your district attorney to find out who in their office may be able to assist. Whatever you do, please do not give up on these defenseless animals.
Pets for Patriots
Hi I’m a kid and I live on a farm. We have cows and my dad works on the farm he is the owner but sometimes when he loses his temper he bends the cows tail back so far he breaks the bone and this causes the cow incredible pain I just want him to stop doing! What should I do my mum has done nothing about and I’m crying when I’m typing this I just don’t want to call the police on him I just want him to stop!
Katie, we understand that you don’t want to call the police on your father, but what he is doing is cruel and potentially criminal. If your mother is unwilling to do anything to stop him, speak in confidence to another trusted adult – perhaps a pastor, teacher, etc., – to ask them to help you contact the authorities anonymously.
Can you tie an animal up that already has an owner and won’t let them go home. Is that abuse. Because I have 2 neighbors and the 1st neighbors lost their dog and had went on the 2nd neighbors yard. The 2nd neighbors has the dog tied up with no food or water and won’t let it go home to the 1st neighbors. What should I do
Hi Talia,
It is cruelty to tie up or chain any animal and deny it food or water.
Contact your local police department, animal control or humane society. Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who may be suffering.
Pets for Patriots
I’m sorry if I don’t agree with just waiting for authorities. A dog could be beaten to death waiting!
I keep a bat with me in my car and pepper spray on my bicycle. I fully believe in disabling the scumbag hurting the animal, then call authorities, then get the animal to a clinic ASAP.
Time is of the essence. And I would also break the chain to free a dog, force my way into an abusers home–I don’t care what it takes. No one takes it seriously. But I do!
Hi Linda,
As abhorrent as we find all manners of animal cruelty, we cannot advocate illegal behavior and/or violence against others.
Pets for Patriots
I need your opinion. I do not in any way want to stand by in an animal cruelty situation, for I love animals dearly. I live in an apartment complex. One of our neighbors has kept his dog locked out on the porch lately. The dog will just pace around or sit there in 80-90 degree weather for a couple hours or so. He has water, but no food. He has shade, but at times sun. This evening I noticed he was left for 2 and a half hours in the dark, tied to the railing, with what appears to be a short strap. ( This happened tonight and he’s still there. About 3 hours now. ) The apartment is high up so the dog is safe from coyotes or other threats. I just think it’s wrong. I believe that if you’re going to own a pet, you must at least spend time with it and keep it safe in a sheltered area. I just don’t know. This is my opinion but I wanted to see what you all felt about this situation. As I said, if this is a situation of animal cruelty I would like to help. ( The dog appears to be pretty young )
Hi Emily,
If you even suspect animal cruelty, neglect or abuse, contact your local humane law enforcement, which may be your local police department, animal control or humane society. Laws about cruelty, abuse, neglect, and denial of care vary by state.
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing for an animal who may be suffering.
Pets for Patriots
The worst thing is that in rural areas like I live in there is no support from anyone ,: not even friends or neighbord everyone says: OH that’s too bad they turn around and that’s it I have contacted Animal Control 3 times and the fowl are not removed I just saw the offenders and gave me a dirty look They should hide on the other side of my home this people keep their dog for 12 hrs in a cage she is been punished for getting in the bathroom trash can the dog obeys out of fear I am a senior I always hope to leave this world where animals are treated with respect and dignity but what I see every day I sincerely doubt it
Hi Maria,
Please continue to call the humane society and the police to report any suspected cruelty, including that poor dog who is left in a cage and punished for normal behavior. We must be their voice.
Pets for Patriots