Patriot story: Daniel and Edison

ClosedDeadline: 02/16/2015

Story Details


Daniel is an Air Force veteran. In September 2014 he adopted Edison, a then heartworm-positive Rotweiller, through our partnership with Michigan Humane Society. We have advised the veteran that we may need additional information to write his story, but please attempt a first draft and indicate where/if you need more information before we make this request.

  • Assignment goal is to synthesize the information provided by the member patriot into a compelling story
  • It is not necessary to tell the veteran's story in the order that s/he provided the information unless that is the best way to tell the story
  • It is not necessary to use all the quotes provided
  • You may make minor adjustments to the quotes only to correct for grammer, punctuation, spelling, etc.
  • Punctuation always resides inside the quote marks, e.g., "like this," and not "like this",
  • Close the story with a compelling call to action or question based upon the story's narrative and place in italics at the end, e.g., What are you more willing and able to do now that you have a pet in your life?


 Daniel Woody
Post Category
Pet's Name
A little about me
 Electrical engineer engaged in contract work.
I have no family but many friends here in Michigan.
My military experiences
 USAF 1969 - 1972
Radio relay equipment repairman training
Basic electronics instructor duty
My most memorable experience from my time in service
 Hot days and cold nights in January and Feburary during basic training at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX.
Hurricane Camille on the Mississippi Golf Coast, August 17, 1969 during advanced training.
Technical Instructor school.
3 years of teaching electronics prepared me for a higher degree in electrical engineering.
Why I chose to adopt a pet
 Fill the emotional void after the death of my Sheltie, "Peanut" (photo attached).
Why I chose to adopt through Pets for Patriots
 Savings on the adoption costs at the Michigan Humane Society.
How my honorably adopted pet has changed my life
 Edison (photo attached) is energetic and I get exercise walking and engaging with him.
Edison enhances my social life as I meet other pet owners when outdoors.
Edison is smart but willful. He does respond to training and wants to please. It is pleasurable to watch him change...
Edison 1.5 years old has had a tough start in life as a stray and many health problems but is so appreciative and his health is great now.
What I love most about my new pet friend
 Edison is my constant companion...
Edison is very affectionate.
What I would tell other veterans or service members who might be thinking about adopting through Pets for Patriots
 Choose to help an animal live a good life and this act returns the same gift to you...

Additional info:


Hi Beth,

I realize that my answers were a little succinct but in my original reply, when I was nearly finished with a very elaborate description, the web site closed me down.  I was a little drained of patience...

On-the-other-hand Edison is very handsome, very exuberant (and willful), very affectionate and un-replaceable.  He is a good dog and has gained 6 pounds since his adoption in September of 2014. Edison sleeps with me every night, gets massaged or brushed every morning, loves the snow and makes me happy.  Peanut was my perfect dance partner and the prettiest thing that I could call my own.  When she died I was wrecked, Edison and I rescued each other.  At 20 months old, Edison says "He will outlive me", I hope not!  I would not like to leave him alone; he has had enough hardships in his short life and I'll make sure his last hardship was indeed his last one.  Thank you MHS for caring for Edison until we found each other.  Thank you PFP for making it easier to adopt him; keep up the good work...


P.S. Edison is a "Blackmouth Cur" the same as the dog that played "Old Yeller"...